“I’m gonna pop some tags, only got twenty dollars in my pocket, I’m, I’m, I’m huntin’ looking for a come up, this is fucking awesome.”

I laughed when I realized I literally had $20 in my pocket, a wish list of treasures I hoped to find and a fellow thrift hunter, Alex to join in the fun. We checked on Reddit for thrift store suggestions and we plotted course for Bellevue WA. Now, I don’t agree with Goodwill’s pricing matrix, they are tripping on Molly if they think I’m going to to pay $15 for a dirty, used kitchen gadget when I can get it new with warranty for $20. That being said, we absolutely fell in love with the Bellevue Goodwill that is a sneeze over into Redmond. Clean, organized, well-stocked, and huge! Yes, this was the standard in which all others were compared to. But Jubilee? Reddit peeps, you did us dirty. That was not giving the hype or the vibe and we walked out with all of our dollars unspent.
My day’s haul included many Kerr and Ball jars for an upcoming homesteading project, diffusers to make the plantos happy, a fantastic heavy sweater for the days that need more than a hoodie but less than a jacket (which is more often than I believed around here), a countertop ice maker, LuLaRoe leggings (coincidentally enough, right after we talked about them in the car ride to Renton) and practically new Vans slip-ons. Then there was the books. I mean, my library is growing with stuff I actually like to read, with some great finds for my kiddo’s collection of two beloved series. I was thrilled to find a Cassandra Clare book one of her 5th series (I think). Going to crack that one open as soon as I finish the Champion series from Marie Lu.
All in all, spent just over $100 but girl math states it’s basically free because I saved more than that thrifting instead of buying new. So, yeah, big win all around!
Needless to say, every single trip to any thrift store automatically has this theme song in the back of my mind. Every. Single. Time.

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