”This is how I show my love, I made it in my mind because, blame it on my ADD, baby.”

Three-day weekends are a blessing and a curse for me. On the one hand, three days of no work (yay!) on the other hand, my and brain goes into overdrive with all of the projects I could start, work on, complete even. I mean, three days is 72 whole hours and immediately, I feel overwhelmed.
After a Saturday Costco adventure and a brekkie treat at Denny’s, Sunday was deemed to be a free day ( in my head). My first thought was to make my Christmas spiders. Well, that would require a trip to Michael’s, which means I need to get out of my pajamas and do my hair. Fine, except my favorite leggings are dirty so I should start a load of laundry and I will go when the clothes are dry. While I wait for the washer to finish, I decide to inventory what I have in my supply stash so I don’t buy dupes (yet another ADHD quirk). There’s where I find the laminator and the scrapbook paper I designated for an inventory list for the deep freezer. “I can get this done in two minutes, let me get this cut and laminated.” Well, I finish the sheet, only putting it to use requires that I inventory the freezer. So I head to the garage to list the contents, feeling mighty clever by titling it, “what’s in The fucking box?!” (Iykyk). Then I remember that there are some things in the house freezer that need to be moved to the garage, so I need to update the list. Cool.
Well, my expo pen is almost dried out, so I head to the kitchen to find the spare which I keep in the fuckit drawer only I end up gutting the drawer, finding some empty spice jars I meant to transfer the bagged spices in the pantry. That turned into gutting the pantry and purging unused, unwanted or expired spices and food. A trash bag full of it all. Since I was cleaning that out, I figured I might as well wash and take stock of empty bulky containers for the pantry essentials. That leads to cleaning out and reorganizing the snack cupboard, where another round of trash was collected. Some shit expired in 2023??!! With the containers drying, I remembered that the washer was done over an hour ago, so upstairs I go, clothes in the dryer and now I’m hungry. It’s two o’clock and i opt for a cup of coffee. I sit on the couch to enjoy the coffee at the perfect temp of scalding hot, and manage to turn on the PS5 because I remembered the controller needed charging. Ratchet and clank was at 90% completed and suddenly, I’m hopping into the map to finish the side quests needed for 100%. An hour goes by, my coffee is disgustingly cold and the dryer buzzes it is done. It’s now 4 pm and it’s either shower and go to Michael’s or start dinner.
I never did make it to Michael’s but my freezer, my pantry and my snack cupboard look fantastic! And with ADHD, because I managed so much on Saturday and Sunday, my brain and body decided it was a lounge-about day. There would be no tasking. So yeah, long weekends are either super productive or a jello day. Grateful for the extra time but man, I feel like it was totally wasted and I long for another day to make up for it.
I blame it on the AD(H)D, baby.

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